Extracting Sprites From WAD Files
To provide the participants in the Indie Game Jam with a lot of prepared content for their experiemental games, we used sprites extracted from the WAD files of Doom, Doom engine games like Hexen and Heretic, and various Doom Total Conversions (TCs). While the source code to the IGJ games is under the GPL, the sprites are copyrighted by their respective owners.

WAD files contain archive files of the game data that is used by the associated video game. This data can include information such as player levels, game maps, graphics, textures and other game details that enhance a user's gaming experience. Obsidian is a WAD Archive editor for League of Legends. It allows you to open, extract and create WAD files. You can also preview certain assets such as maps, champion models and particle meshes. If you want to talk to the developers or other people in the community, join our discord server. It should be DOOM.WAD if your OS is set to show file extensions. If not, it will just be DOOM. True, it also depends on which program is used. If, for example, you're using ZDL, it'll search only for Wad files, so it won't show the file extension, and just shows up as 'DOOM.' EzyZip is a free online utility for extracting wad files from a zip archive.No need to install additional software as it runs in the browser. It supports a bunch of other file extraction and conversion options too.

A list of the WADs used by the games is available here. Uml diagram tool for mac.

If you are developing a game with the IGJ source and would like to use sprites from a specific WAD file, or if you just want to play a game that uses sprites from a WAD that we didn't pre-extract, read on. It isn't hard to extract the sprites, but there are a number of steps in the process.

A WAD file is a binary file containing all of the data for a Doom-style game, including the sprites, music, levels, and whatnot. We're only interested in the sprites for the Indie Game Jam.

How To Extract Wad Files

There are a number of tools available for extracting (or 'ripping') sprites from WAD files. We use an open source tool called deutex, and we've modified it slightly (to output a uniform transparent color, for the curious..the source is available in the CVS tree, along with the source to the other tools used below).

How To Extract Wad Files

In addition to deutex, we use a perl script (and another helper executable) to drive deutex and put the sprites in the right place for the IGJ games, and to generate the dudes.html thumbnail preview page. You can use this page to choose which sprites to use if you're creating a new game.


  1. Install ActivePerl. ActivePerl is a high quality and free perl implementation from ActiveState. Make sure perl.exe is registered to execute .pl files, or is in your path. This should be the default, but you might need to restart, or refresh your path.
  2. Download and unzip wadrip.zip into your IGJ game root directory (the directory with the game executable in it, or the directory with the main source code in it).
  3. Create a wads and a sprites directory in this main directory, if they don't already exist.
  4. Copy the WADs you want to rip into the wads subdirectory.
  5. Download the Doom Shareware archive and extract the doom1.wad file into the wads directory. Rename doom1.wad to doom.wad in the wads directory. (deutex requires an original WAD file to extract certain information while ripping sprites)
  6. Execute util_ripwads.pl in the main directory. If you've installed perl correctly, you should be able to double-click on the file, or run 'perl util_ripwads.pl' from a command prompt in that directory. This should enumerate through *.wad in your wads directory, ripping the sprites into the sprites directory, and creating a dudes.html in the main directory with thumbnails of all the sprites.
  7. You should now be ready to use the sprites, or to play a game that required the sprites.

    09-27-2017, 12:45 AM
    Using Wooxy I've successfully ripped many models from League of Legends, but it seems that Riot Games has changed something to prevent ripping the new 3d models of the newest champions.
    Ornn is the most recent champion and unlike any other, when I extract his folder it just gives empty folders or with his splash art.
    (If you have the Public Beta Environment (PBE) installed you can also try this on the Evelynn Remake)
    I've already tried other extractors but don't have any success.
    I can't find a way to get the *.skn, *.skl and even the *.dds of Ornn or the Evelynn Remake on PBE. Anyone here can give me any help?
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